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:::瀏覽位置: 竹藝博物館 > 典藏品介紹

快訊 |




創作者 吳聖宗
作品名稱 竹編雙耳雙層花器
作品尺寸 直徑280*252mm
語音 竹編雙耳雙層花器中文語音



 “Double layered bamboo woven vase with double ears” by Wu Sheng-Zhong. He studied at the Bamboo Fine Arts and Craft Center located in Zhushanjun for three years during the Japanese occupation era. This period of time formed his foundations as a artist of bamboo weaving. Even as a farmer, he uses his spare time to carry out his interests in bamboo weaving, in which he never ceased. The Ministry of Education awarded him with the very first “Folk Art Award” in 1985 to acknowledge his contributions to bamboo weaving. Although he was busy with farming, his passion and innovative spirit towards bamboo weaving was admirable. This piece starts with the chrysanthemum base, with two vector-patterned bands as the foothold; long bamboo strips are inserted to complete the body, and finally it is dyed twice with reddish brown and black basic dyes respectively. Polished with fine sand paper, this piece is completed with clear varnish. From this piece, his attempt to break away from the traditional design of bamboo weaving is evident.

