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Noble and mysterious

創作者 李弘偉
作品名稱 Noble and mysterious
作品尺寸 長420mm*寬220mm
語音 Noble and mysterious 中文語音

Noble and mysterious 英文語音


「Noble and mysterious」由李弘偉先生所製作,以黑色的竹篾及紅色的銅線混合不同技法編作而成,身體曲線以竹篾自由穿插塑造成型,袖口以米字形編繞,有別於一搬傳統之竹編器型,屬造型藝術創作。其創作理念是以東方竹纖維的自然美,融合現代感之銅線材料,兩者不同塑性穿梭變化,相映出其材質的特性,黑色胴體曲線和紅色蕾絲巾,凸顯神秘與熱情的對話。
 “Noble and mysterious” is made by Mr. Lee Hong-Wei, who uses different weaving techniques, to weave black bamboo strips and red copper threads. The contour of the body is made with freely inserted bamboo strips; the sleeve openings are made with twisted star-shaped weaving. This is a renovation from the traditional bamboo weaving vases and a artistic creation. The idea behind this creation is to blend the natural beauty of Eastern bamboo fibers and the modern feel of copper threads. Different variations in the entwangled materials also reflects the characteristics of each material. The black body’s shape and the red lace scarf, together engage a mysterious and passionate dialogue.


Noble and mysterious 中文語音.mp3
Noble and mysterious 英文語音.mp3