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:::瀏覽位置: 竹藝博物館 > 典藏品介紹

快訊 |




創作者 謝佳珍
作品名稱 夏日情懷置物盒
語音 夏日情懷置物盒中文語音



“ 竹 ”一個平凡又自然的材料;”金屬 ”一個冰冷又現代的材質,兩者相遇…。就像夏日的午後…黃槐樹下,盛開的黃花,帶來了炎炎夏日午後的清涼。
創作技法:竹篾定寬染色,生漆塗裝後,以金屬銅線纏繞竹篾。透過金屬纏繞位置的不同,與竹篾的直線排列的交織變化,拼湊出作品主要的裝飾圖案。盛開的黃花,金屬線纏繞出”實”的存在;黃槐羽狀複葉,則以線條作”虛” 的呈現,虛實對應效果,烘托出夏日金黃燦爛的花姿,在舞動的花影下,感受到微微的清涼。

 “Summer sentiments jewelry box” by Hsieh Jia-Zhen. The source of her inspiration:
“Bamboo” is an ordinary and natural material. “Metal” is a cold and modern material. When the two encounter, it is like a summer afternoon… Under a yellow ash tree, the golden flowers bloom, bringing a hint of coolness in a hot summer afternoon.
Techniques: bamboo strips are cut and dyed. After lacquering, they are wrapped with metallic copper threads. The motif is formed by wrapping in different positions on the vertical arrangement of the bamboo. The “solidity” of the blooming yellow flowers are represented by the metallic threads. The “virtuality” of the feathery yellow ash leaves is represented with the contour lines. The contrast between what’s solid and virtual represents the beauty of the golden summer blossoms, as though one can feel the faint coolness under the dancing shadows.
The piece uses black lacquered lines to secure the bamboo strips, forming the body of the box. This hexagonal jewelry box is perfect for storing summer memories.

