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作品名稱 拖犁工具
作品尺寸 長68cm、直徑20cm 長63cm、直徑20cm 長68cm、寬15cm、直徑14cm
語音 拖犁工具中文語音



牛擔仔:牛擔仔就是牛軛,又稱犁擔仔,是掛在牛肩上,以便受力拉動犁、耙或車載的搭箍工具,牛擔仔呈雙翹彎月形,多用竹子或木頭做成,拉牛車用大型牛擔,耕田時用小型牛擔。竹製的牛擔仔,其成形的過程是相當用心費時的,由於牛擔仔是實心且是 形,與竹材中空有節不異彎曲的特性相左,因此它必須在刺竹叢中挑選成竹後能接近實心的竹筍,並以繩索將竹筍拉彎慢慢塑形,塑形至竹材成熟需經過3~5年的時間,才能砍伐研磨後使用,因此是少量又耐用的好用具。
 Plowing tool: made from wood and combined with metal equipment. When the cattle is pulling the plow, two ropes pass around a trough to be hooked onto the central circular metal device to aid plowing. Cattle mouthpiece: when the cattle is plowing it can often be distracted by nearby fields, grass, or sugarcane leaves, causing it to walk and chew at the same time instead of focusing on work. Therefore a bamboo mouthpiece is placed over the mouth of the cattle so that it cannot open its mouth at will. Woven with thorny bamboo strips for durability and strength, the half-elliptical piece is woven using the hexagonal technique, and of course this is to accommodate the shape of the mouth and for ventilation. Cattle yoke: the cattle yoke is the oxbow, also known as the plow yoke; it is hung onto the shoulders of the cattle for pulling the plow or other equipments. The yoke is double rounded crescent shaped, usually made from bamboo or wood. When pulling carts, large yokes are used; when pulling plows, smaller ones are used. The making of bamboo yokes is a lengthy and difficult process. Because the cattle yoke has solid centers, which differs from the hollow, segmented, and rigid characteristics of bamboo, therefore mature bamboo with near-solid centers from thorny bamboo bushes must be used. Ropes are used to pull the bamboo, slowly bending it into shape. It takes 3 to 5 years to shape to form the maturity of the material; only then can it be cut down, polished, and then used. It is a rare but durable tool. Cattle bell: made from copper foundry, which it is cast in half to be put together after the bell is inserted. The entire string of cattle bells is hung on the cattle’s neck and two cheeks; while the cattle is moving, the bell sounds, warning people to steer clear.

