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Traffic location map



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Traffic location map

Public transportation
Take the bus toward Nantou, Shuili at Taichung Train Station; take Changhua bus toward Nantou at Changhua or Yuanlin; get off at Nantou City terminus, from Sanhe 3rd Rd turn right on Fuxing Road, then turn left on Minquan Street, walk about 15 minutes to reach.
Drive yourself
North upward way/ National Freeway No. 3 down to Zhongliao Interchange, on Fukang Road 1. sec to the end, turn left to Nangang 2nd Road, pass over the Nantou County police station, on the fire station side door turn left on the Minquan Street about 100 meters to reach.
South downward way/ National Freeway No. 3 down to Mingjian Interchange, follow County Highway No.3 toward Nantou direction, arrive at Nantou city, Nangang 2nd Road (Fire station side door) turn right on Minquan Street.
Traffic Location Map: (Google map)