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Monuments Tour

Holy-Story Pavilion, Lugu

Subject Holy-Story Pavilion, Lugu
Public Date


Competent authority:Nantou County Government
Announcement date:2006/07/11
Level:County Monument
Location:No.164-1, Zhongzheng Rd., Lugu Township, Nantou County, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
  The holy Story Pavilion was built in the 10th year of Qing Emperor Tongzhi dynasty (1871 AD), shall be designed for word papers burning in Qing Dynasty, it is because in the past those papers with words, may not discard them, must collect and send to the holy Story Pavilion for burning, so as to show our reverence. Located in the Lugu village holy Story Pavilion where the height is six feet, width is three point Six meters by stone-material pavilion type.
  Unfortunately, in 1990, was wrecked, leaving only pavilions for people to watch and pay tribute. In July to October, 2001, Nantou County Government, with the subsidy from the Ministry of the Interior, completed the restoration and reconstruction at the original site. Due to the Jing San Pavilion base narrow, particularly use bamboo, stone landscaping around the environment, to represent the monuments attractions.